Officials hope the move will stabilize exchange rates 官员们希望此举能使汇率稳定下来。
SOAP supplies the plug-in with current values for exchange rates and compares these with the configured ranges. SOAP为该插件提供了汇率的当前值,并将这些值与配置的范围进行比较。
Because market prices aggregate traders information, it is difficult to forecast stock prices and interest rates and exchange rates. 因为市场价格集合了所有交易者的信息,所以很难预测股价、利率和汇率等。
That is a sign of very adept marketing, as exchange rates and incentives change. 这是一个市场运作非常娴熟的迹象,伴随着汇率和激励措施的变动。
This common wisdom has an extra meaning in the world of exchange rates and currency trading. 这种普通知识在汇率和货币交易领域里具有一种特殊含义。
This is how we value our currency, and against all other currencies exchange rates are freely floating. 这是我们选择的确认自己的币值的方法,与所有其它外币的汇率是自由浮动的。
The conference rebuilt the economic order by creating a system of fixed exchange rates. 会议创建的一项固定汇率体系重新确立了经济秩序。
We reiterate that excess volatility and disorderly movements in exchange rates have adverse implications for economic and financial stability. 我们重申,汇率方面的过度波动和不守规矩的动向,对保持经济和金融稳定性有不良影响。
This change in exchange rates will affect the quantities and dollar prices of our exports and imports. 这种汇率变动会影响我国进出口商品的数量和美元价格。
However, the exchange rates and economic growth will not affect the Chinese base currency. 但汇率和经济增长的变化对基础货币不构成影响。
The Empirical Analysis of the Mutual Influences of Exchange Rates, Interest Rates and the Balance of Payments in China 我国汇率、利率和国际收支相互影响的实证分析
Because the measured real exchange rates of most advanced countries are undervalued. 因为大多数发达国家的实际汇率估测值都被低估了。
The currency against which exchange rates are entered in the rate measure group. 在比率度量值组中为其输入汇率的货币。
Thus, China has controlled the appreciation of both nominal and real exchange rates. 中国就这样一直抑制名义和实际汇率的升值。
It intensifies inflation risk in those emerging economies with undervalued exchange rates. 它在那些汇率低估的新兴经济体加剧了通胀风险。
Many "insured" themselves through managing exchange rates and building huge currency reserves. 许多国家通过汇率管理和建立庞大的外汇储备来给自己上“保险”。
On exchange rates and the current account deficit, the meeting opened up possibilities without achieving concrete decisions. 在汇率和经常项目赤字问题上,会议没有做出具体决定,给这个问题留下了各种可能性。
But there were already rising tensions between the European Union and China over trade issues and exchange rates. 不过,欧盟(eu)与中国此前在贸易问题和汇率方面的紧张已不断加剧。
And his work on currency crises and exchange rates has been highly influential. 他在货币危机和汇率方面的研究也影响深远。
Trade deficits and exchange rates are the lightning-rods. 贸易逆差和汇率是最引人注意的问题。
With flexible exchange rates, markets force countries to devalue, which reduces their current account deficits. 在浮动汇率中,市场力量迫使国家贬值货币,这将减少这些国家的经常账户赤字。
The unrealistic levels at which exchange rates were pegged led to a strong black market in currency transactions. 不切实际的水平上钉住汇率造成了强烈的黑市外汇交易。
Excess volatility and disorderly movements in exchange rates are undesirable for economic growth. 汇率过度的不稳定和无秩序的移动对经济的增长是不利的。
The exchange rates used in this sample are fictitious and should not be used for actual financial transactions. 此示例中使用的汇率是虚构的,不能用于实际财务事务。
The Asians decided to choose competitive exchange rates, export-led growth and huge accumulations of foreign currency reserves. 而亚洲人则决定选择有竞争力的汇率、出口导向型增长模式和大规模积累外汇储备。
Similarly, market exchange rates also exaggerate inequality. 同样,市场汇率也夸大了不同经济区域的差异。
They are resorting to undervalued exchange rates to ensure their share of global markets. 它们采取汇率低估的方式,以确保自身在全球市场上的份额。
These inflows complicate macroeconomic policies in recipient countries through their impact on exchange rates and commodity prices. 这些资金流入对汇率和大宗商品价格产生影响,从而让接收国的宏观经济政策变得复杂。
International foreign exchange rates were pegged to fixed values for gold. 国际外汇汇率是以黄金和美元的固定价值来定价的。
This approach to exchange rates gives a central role to international trade. 这种汇率办法在国际贸易中起了中心作用。